
‎CFLR and The Rutter Group are pleased to bring DissoMaster, the most widely used support calculator in California, to the iPad. This app is certified by the Judicial Council and makes it fast and easy to calculate support on the go or in the courtroom. While not a replacement for DissoMaster deskt. DissoMaster calculates complex family law formulas For more than 20 years, DissoMaster software has helped family law professionals with calculating complex formulas. Its goal is to reduce the time it takes for you to extract accurate numbers from the raw data of each case. The DissoMaster™ program was designed by attorneys to follow the guidelines set out in the California Family Law Code. We always use the most current version of the DissoMaster™ available so you know that you are getting the correct support amount. DissoMaster™ Suite is the premium software bundle for computing support calculations under the California Statewide Uniform Child Support Guidelines. This software combines the most relevant tools for the family law practitioner or court in one simple-to-use suite of calculators.


Version 2003-2

** Updated tax data to match the Jobs and Growth TaxRelief Act of 2003.

** Added context-sensitive help for the input columns.This help is dynamically displayed in the “Dynamic Help” tab.

** Fixed a situation that would result in an overadjustment of the spousal support value. This error occurred under thefollowing circumstance:

1.A case is calculated, with CS enabled and anon-zero CS result.

2.The CS is then blocked.

3.The Spousal support adjustment method is set to“Fixed Shares Adjustment”.

The resulting spousal supportadjustment would be too high. However, the error would be corrected if the casewas saved, closed and re-opened.

** Mapped the F4 key to expand/collapse nodes in the CashFlow columns.

** In some rare circumstances, the fixed shares spousalsupport adjustment calculation has no solution. For those cases, DissoMasterbecame non-responsive. This has been resolved; DissoMaster will revert to thefloating shares adjustment when a fixed share adjustment solution does notexist.

** Reconfigured report footers to match those of 2002-x.This change is to help stay compatible with some printers that had difficultywith the new footer configuration.

** When a case contained an overridden Federal taxexemptions number, the auto-calculated number would reappear after saving andreopening the case. This has been corrected.

** Subtactic C was not working correctly when set to $0.This is now fixed.

** Disabling the State tax calculation for a case after astate tax calculation had already been executed did not fully clear the taxesfrom the calculation. This resulted in the state tax still being used in theguideline net income calculation. This is now fixed.

** If dependency exemption releases are disabled, the‘(est)’ flag has been removed from the dependency exemption releases resultsdisplay.

** In cases where the child support is undefined, thefindings report listed the child support as $0. Now the child support is listedas “undef.”, and an explanatory note has been added to the bottom of the page.

** Double-clicking on Tactic 8 or Tactic 9 in the Settings dialog causedan exception. This has been fixed.

Version 2003-1b

** If a case that did not use the automatically calculated number offederal tax exemptions was saved and restored, the number of federal exemptionswould always revert to be automatically calculated. This has been fixed.

** Due to security updates and other MS Internet Explorer issues, theDissoMaster calculation report did not always display properly. The code hasbeen modified to try avoiding these issues as much as possible.

** It was not possible to install with a Demo license, and thensubsequently enter the full runtime license using the Help>License dialogbox. This is now fixed.

** The DissoMaster™ TimeShare™ Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet has beenincluded.

Version 2003-1a

** When working on a file saved with a previous version of DissoMaster,the File>Save and File>Save As features sometimes failedwith a message similar to “DissoMaster cannot save file”. This has been fixed.

** The spousal support user-specified formula settingswere not being properly restored when a case was re-opened. This is fixed.

** The gray footer background on the printed reports wascausing various problems for some printers. The gray has been removed.

** The itemized deductions were not printed with theInput Screen Report. They are now included in the printout.

Version 2003-1

** Updated tax figures for the tax year 2002 with actualnumbers. Also, updated 2003 actual and estimated figures, and added 2004estimated figures.

** Added additional New Spouse financial details. When aparty is filing as MFJ-Out, the new spouse’s applicable financial details arebroken out into separate line items. These new items include all figures thataffect.

** Implemented the Fam Code 4061(b) childcare allocationmethod.

** Changed the location where the log file is created tobe the users personal directory. On multi-user setups, this prevents one userfrom overwriting the log file of another. It also improves the chances that thelog file will be written to a location in which the user has ‘write’permission.

** Added a Calculation Report feature that provides extensivedetails of the steps in calculating the guideline support numbers.

** Added a Report PDF export feature. With this feature,you can export the generated reports to Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF).

** Added ability to view the tax figures that DissoMasteris using to do federal and state tax calculations.

** Changed the default value for “Party Info->Lived w/MFS spouse part of yr.” to “yes”.

Dissomaster Spousal Support California

** Many little UI tweaks.

Version 2002-3

* Eraser Icon – removed, in favor of using the NewFile Icon.

* File>New – restores user defaults and clears filename

* Alt-C – same as new file.

* Edit>Clear...>Clear To User Defaults – returnsthe case data to the defaults as set by the user.

* Edit>Clear...>Clear To Classic Defaults -returns the case data to the defaults as defined by previous versions ofDissoMaster, 2001-x and before.

* Edit>Restore...>Restore Default Case – loadsthe current default case.

* Edit>Restore...>Restore Shipped Defaults –restores all defaults to the original application values.

** Fixed erroneous visibility of Add-ons child nodes whenchildren are added.

** GUI State - Save and restore expanded/collapsed stateof items on a per case basis.

** Fixed the error “Exception. Invalid procedure call orargument.”

* This bug is caused by an incorrect parsing of pathswith the format c: where c is any drive letter.

** Fixed high memory usage for proposed settlementcalculations.

** Changes the behavior of the User CS setting. Changingthe CS calculation method to User CS should no longer triggers the “SettingsChanged” flag.

** Excluding AEIC now triggers the “Tax Setting Changed”flag.

** Added menu items to manage FC 4055(b)(7) settings.

* Edit>Fam C 4055(b)(7) Range>Visible

* Edit>Fam C 4055(b)(7) Range>Use High Value

* Edit>Fam C 4055(b)(7) Range>Use Low Value

** Corrected the behavior of the “User SS” controls onthe Settings dialog. The “User SS” controls incorrectly appeared to allow usersto enter data when it was not checked, but then became grayed-out when anyinput was attempted.

** Corrected the side-effect of editing the childrenusing the Children dialog box that caused the add-on values for each child tobe lost.

** Updated SmartUI component for compatibility with WinXPSP1.

** Case file XML is now UTF-8 encoded for better extendedcharacter support.

** Changed the Reports default to table view rather thanchart view.

** Added the CS formula factors to Guideline Backup item.

** Added ability to enter non-40 hour weeks, incombination with hourly pay.

** Re-order the print dialog to display a hierarchicalset of choices of reports to print.

** Added additional entries for each bonus report type tothe print dialog.

** Implemented F1 to open Help Contents.

** The settings that are not default now appear as bluein the settings dialog.

** The number of case setting and tax setting changes arenow displayed in the 'settings changed' flags.

** Added the party name to the Proposed Settlementdependent exemptionreleases.Example:'Releases to Father(opt)'.

** The Presumed CS now has expandable lines that showPresumed CS child by child, just like Basic CS and Addons.

** Added shorcut keys to tool tips for Settings (S),Exemption Releases (E), AutoCalculate (Enter), Monthly/Annual(Ctl+I), Tax Year(Ctl+Y) and Findings (F).

** Added MultiSummary to the print dialog.

** The 'Optimize Dependent Release Exemptions' menu itemis now disbled when auto-optimization of DRE's is enabled.

** On the Printed Order, CS is now broken out byBasic/Addon/Presumed and by child.

** Added case notes to the print dialog.

** Added new font options:

* Edit>Font Settings>Turn On/Off Automatic FontSelection – automatically adjust the font based on the application windowdimensions.

* Edit>Font Settings>Select Font... - manuallyselect the font.

* Edit>Font Settings>Restore Default Font –restore the default font as determined for the current screen resolution.

** Fixed Exemption override situation where overridingexemptions doesn't get correctly reflected in the State Form 540.

** Fixed this situation: In the calculation of per-childchild support (CS allocation), the number of children remained constant in thehardship calculation, rather than being decremented for each iteration as eachchild was removed from consideration.

** Fixed Child Support Allocation under FC 4055(b)(7) LowIncome Range. The allocation per child calculation was previously notconsidering the FC 4055(b)(7) LIR when it was activated.

** Fixed the optimal hardship deduction calculation whenFC 4055(b)(7) Low Income Range is selected. The previous hardship calculationdid not consider the FC 4055(b)(7) LIR when it was activated.

** Fixed the optimal hardship deduction calculation whenUser Child Support is selected. The previous hardship calculation did notconsider the user-specified child support amount when it was selected.

** Added agency information to the header block of thePrinted Orders form.

** Updated 2002 and 2003 California state tax brackets.

Version 2002-2

** Child support add-ons were not being recalled from a savedcase. This is now fixed. Note: Despite this bug, the add-on figures were stillbeing saved to the case file, just not retrieved. For files that containedadd-on figures and were saved with an earlier version of DissoMaster should,this version will retrieve those figures properly.

** Tactics 2 – 8 were not being fully satisfied for a filingstatus of MFJ-in. This is now fixed.

** 'Total taxes after credits' on page 2 of the formalreport has been changed to report only the party's share of tax for a filingstatus of MFJ.

** Total Deductions in the Findings report has been changed toreport only the party’s share of the deductions for a filing status of MFJ.

** Selecting a minimum wage didn’t translate perfectly to thesame value in the hourly wage field (i.e., Minimum wage of 6.75 shows up as6.77 in hourly). This has been corrected.

** User SS was being ignored when the low earner was remarried.This has been corrected.

** The child timeshare slider support values were incorrect undercertain circumstances. This has been fixed. This bug only affected thetimeshare display, not the final guideline numbers on the input screen.

** The font size on the input screen printout has been increased.

** Selecting the “save as program defaults” option on theSettings dialog was not working as advertised. Now when this option isselected, the settings get saved to the default case, and are restored uponopening a new case, or restoring the default case.

** Changing program settings, then selecting either “Savesettings until program quit” or “Save settings as new program default” did notset the “Case settings changed” flag on the main window. This is fixed.

** If the license file was missing or in the wrong location,DissoMaster responded by crashing. Now DissoMaster will automatically create ademo license if it cannot find a license file.

** Changed the monthly/annual period figures hot-key from I toCTRL+I to help prevent inadvertent period changes.

** Added “Adjustments to income” entry to the Formal Report.

** Added support for command line specification of the defaultcase.

** Opening a case that had taxes disabled for one ore bothparties caused DissoMaster to crash. This has been fixed.

** Tweaked the “Clear” feature to mimic previous versions ofDissoMaster. (Restore the current user defaults for settings, clear inputfigures to zero, and clear the case filename.)

** Added multi-summary feature.


** Year 2003 estimated taxes have been added.

** Added a better support for silent installations.

** Added “Default Case Directory” option in Program Settings.

** Added overwrite confirmation dialog when trying to save-as anexisting file name.

** Improved setup. (For more info, see section I. NetworkInstallation Strategies.)

*** Better detection of IE 5.

*** MS XML 3 is now part of the DM installation, ratherthan a separate setup program.

*** Windows Installer Advertisement installations are nowsupported.

*** Better support for silent installations.

*** Added MSI properties to support silent andadvertisement installations.

Version 2002-1d

** Blocked taxes became unblocked when you change years. This hasbeen fixed.

** Fixes an incorrect CS allocation for one of the children whereboth of the following were true: More than one child subject to support, andthe high net party would become the low net party considering a lower number ofchildren.

** In a few cases, the iteration for subtactic f produced arelatively small amount of nondeductible support while satisfying the tactic.This has been fixed.

** Total Deductions in Findings for MFJ-out cases included thenew spouse’s portion of taxes. This has been fixed.

** 'Total taxes after credits' on page 2 of the formalreport (both Husband and Wife) reported the entire joint return tax liability.This has been fixed to show only the party’s portion of the total taxes.

Dissomaster online

** Added file name to printout headers.

** In the case of MFJ/out, the Findings and Income Declarationreports included new spouse income as part of the party's gross income. Thishas been fixed.

** The Printed Order's gross income showed the joint returnincome for MFJ-out cases. This has been corrected to be the party's income.

Version 2002-1c

Modifications were made to the DissoMaster application andsetup routine to make it compatible with Windows 95B.

In calculating the pre-support and final net spendable income,the health insurance, child support paid in other relationship, and spousalsupport paid in other relationship weredouble-counted.The guideline NDI and related calculations (such as support) were not affectedby the figure, just the reporting of the NSI in the Income Declaration.

** The calculated guideline hardship deduction is now carriedover into the proposed settlement calculations.

When the 'calculate hardship deduction' option isenabled, the actual hardship deduction is calculated based on the child supportvalue. Since there is no child support value in the proposed settlement, thecalculated hardship deduction is zero. This has been changed so that thecalculations for the proposed settlement always use the guideline hardshipdeduction. Tactic 9 is the exception to this change. In Tactic 9, the hardshipdeduction is determined using the same method as the guideline calculation.

Header verbiage was added to better explain the 'R','CS%', and 'SS%' values in the table.

The setup routine has been improved to do more requirementschecking and to install necessary Windows components.

Version 2002-1b

The setup now supports installation for all users on amachine. Changes were made to the application to be able to access certainapplication specific data files without regard to the currently logged in user.

** Administrative rights no longer required to run theapplication

Previous versions required that the user have administratorrights to change the registry in order for the application to run properly.This has been changed so that now no special rights are required.

**UI enhancements

Added the ability to hide the toolbar and/or status bar.

Version 2002-1a

Dissomaster 2020

Added a print option to print the details of the dataentered and used for the calculations.

Fixed the 'Print Input Screen' feature to print thecontents of the main window more clearly. Rather than do a graphical screencapture and print, this featurenowjust approximates the layout of the main window and prints regular text.

Changed the date format in the footer text of reportsfrom military format (dd/mm/yyyy) to standardUS format(mm/dd/yyyy).

When some of the tax options were excluded from thecalculations using the settings dialog, they were still being calculated andincluded in the Income Declaration Report. This problem has been fixed.

This version should now install and run on WinNT 4.0 SP6. Theprevious version made some newer Shell API calls thatwere not supported directly by NT4. Those function callshave been modified to be backwardcompatible.

** Win98/NT Compatibility: Added Windows Scripting Host to the installation

Microsoft Windows Scripting Host (WSH) is a required componentfor DissoMaster to operate correctly. Win98 and WinNT did not install with WSH,so WSH needs to be installed.

Symptoms if WSH is missing: When attempting to open apreviously savedfile, DissoMaster willcomplain that it is not a valid DissoMaster file.(The file actually IS valid, but the application is incorrect).Also, there may be some printing problems.